I pledge, before God and man, that I value the Truth above all things.
I pledge myself to honesty, in three facets--sincerity, humility, and courage.
SINCERITY, to avoid deliberate deception of myself and others.
HUMILITY, to acknowledge fully my own capacity for error in seeking the Truth, as well as to avoid judging rashly.
COURAGE, to resist and attack that which attacks the Truth, and to admit when I am wrong.
In this spirit I will uphold the Truth against all odds, with the strength given me by the grace of the One Creator and Sustainer of the cosmos.
I therefore spit on the dictates of fashion, of opinion, of pride, of human respect, of convenience, and of everything else, great and small, whenever these things defile the Truth.
May my rebellion always be Just.
Why do you feel human respect is not a worthy value?